In Season Gallery

Delight in the seasons of the Pacific Northwest in this stereogram series. Peer through the printed stained glass window designs and watch as hidden scenes pop-out in 3D. 

Cross Eyed Gallery

Parallel Gallery


Order Prints

The stereograms in this exhibit are in parallel view. To free-view, look through the image until your eyes blur, and then slowly refocus to see the hidden image. You can also start with the artwork close to your face and slowly pull back. As an aid, an Owl viewer or other stereoglasses might help you see the hidden image.

Viewing stereograms take practice. Have patience with yourself if you don’t see the hidden image on your first try. Folks with vision impairment, like blindness, astigmatism, or amblyopia, might not experience the hidden image as the illusion relies on depth perception.

Thanks for stopping by!

Jassimine Dixon