Stereogram Gallery ⋆ Eye See Magic

Stereogram Gallery

When the eyes focus just right and the pattern makes that shift from a flat surface to a 3 dimensional object floating right there in front of you – that’s pure magic. Autostereograms, or stereograms as I prefer to call them, captured my attention in childhood. The zany patterns and promise of a hidden 3D image piqued my interest in design and 3D modeling. The gallery below is a snippet of some of the stereograms I’ve designed. On this page, the stereograms are in parallel view format. An Owl viewer or other stereo glasses might help you see it if you have trouble free-viewing. If you prefer cross eyed viewing, I have a separate gallery here

Tips for Viewing | Cross Eyed View Gallery | Hidden Images Revealed | Shop Stereogram Cards | Wiggle GIF gallery

Viewing stereograms take practice. Have patience with yourself if you don’t see the hidden image on your first try. Folx with vision impairment, like blindness, astigmatism, or lazy eye, might not experience the hidden image as the illusion relies on depth perception.

Thanks for stopping by!

Jassimine Dixon